about smartology

At Smartology our mission is to enable brands to share their insights and relevant information with appropriate audiences through the medium of digital advertising. Our award-winning targeting technology - SmartMatch™ - contextually matches client branded content with online articles from world-leading publisher sites, ensuring that content is in the best possible position to be seen in the right place and in the right environment, at the right time.

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Mark Bembridge, CEO of Smartology has worked on the creation of semantic recognition platforms for over 15 years. Mark has a wealth of AdTech experience that he brings to bear in his work and founding of Smartology in 2010. Initially, Smartology worked with premium publishers, namely The Financial Times and The Independent, using AI to target editorial content more efficiently across their websites. Our award-winning personalised news application for the Financial Times saw more users read personalised ‘My News’ within the app than consumed articles via the ‘Home’ page.

In 2012, we re-focussed our strategy to cater for the increasing demand of advertisers wanting to amplify and make better use of their branded content. In 2019, the team evolved our publisher-direct model to integrate with Real Time Bidding (programmatic) platforms and provide clients with publishers at scale. The introduction of the SmartMatch™ platform in 2020 established a robust, scalable and crucially simple, intuitive way to run contextual campaigns with no limits on content volumes. More recently we have been able to scale at speed, add new clients in broader B2C verticals and enhance SmartMatch’s multilingual capabilities to include German, Spanish, French and Italian. We are proud to offer an advanced media technology solution which solves many of the key challenges the industry is grappling with, including privacy, brand protection, and transparency.

We are always ready to hear your questions, plans, and goals, so for any enquiries, please get in touch by filling out the form on our contact page.