By Trisha Reetoo

SmartTrip: Highlights from Asia

Smartology’s Senior Sales Manager, Isobel Larmour, headed to Hong Kong and Singapore for a SmartWork trip! We found out how Isobel’s trip went and discussed the goals that were met.

Tell us about your initial impression

Landed safely in Hong Kong on Sunday afternoon and travelled up to the famous ‘peak’ where I found the most beautiful panoramic night view of the city skyline. I was excited to be back in such a beautiful city, with a total of three client meets all located in different parts of Hong Kong. From virtual to in-person, all the meetings went brilliantly and it was great to meet lots of new people too. We achieved the goal of the trip which was to expand our network in APAC through reconnecting with clients we have previously worked with within the region and bringing in new business.

What were the top highlights of your work trip and how did you feel prior to client meetings?

I was delighted to meet many new people who were extremely warm and welcoming, and who did a great job at recommending all the best spots in the city. Ahead of the first meeting, I felt pretty apprehensive, however, once I got in the swing of things they were over before I knew it! I commuted around Hong Kong with my trusty friend Uber, whereas in Singapore I wanted to make the most of the public transport so got the metro system and buses to all my meetings, managing not to get lost somehow! A custom business greeting I picked up on was to exchange business cards, so I came away with a whole wad of them by the end of the trip.

Did the trip meet your expectations and why?

It met and exceeded my expectations. I was very grateful to meet clients on my own and I gained a great sense of independence meeting new people in unknown cities.

Your Final Favourite moments in Hong Kong and Singapore, Any solo adventures you can fill us in with?

I was lucky enough to have some time between meetings to explore. My favourite place I went to was the ‘Gardens by the Bay’ in Singapore which was beautiful. My hotel was also close to Chinatown where I wandered around and found some fabulous authentic street food - the food in Hong Kong & Singapore definitely did not disappoint, especially for a seafood lover!